1. Object and Acceptance

These legal conditions are established by NEXGLOBAL COMUNICACION Y MARKETING, S.L., hereinafter NEXGLOBAL. Our aim is to determine the criteria and conditions of use of the website: www.nexglobal.es.

Owner Details:

In compliance with the Law on Information Society Services and E-Commerce LSSICE 34/2002, NEXGLOBAL, places at the disposal of users the following information:

CIF: B76612712
Address: Calle Fotógrafo José Norberto Díaz, 2
Edificio Prisma – Oficina 4.2 y 4.1
38204 – La Laguna – S/C de Tenerife
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Volume 3289, Folio 110, Inscription 1, Page TF-52327
Phone: (+34) 822 170 981
E-mail: info@nexglobal.es

The access to this website and its services gives you the condition of User, which implies the acceptance of the conditions under the current Legal Notice.
NEXGLOBAL reserves the right to modify at any moment and without prior notice the conditions of access, use and consult of its site. At the same time, it may modify the visual and technical structure, contents, services’ offer and all concerning the content of the website. If at any moment, those changes would directly affect the users’ privacy, NEXGLOBAL may inform about them through a notice on the main page of the website.


In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/99, on Protection of Personal Data, NEXGLOBAL informs that the personal data provided through the forms on this website, or other means of contact, will be processed and collected in a data file property of NEXGLOBAL COMUNICACION Y MARKETING, S.L.
When sending us your information, you are authorizing expressly the treatment of your personal data with the aim of attending your consults, as well as sending information about our services, publications on the blog and relevant news from our newsletter.
To attend your consult you must fulfill all the required fields of the formularies, otherwise it won’t be possible to respond to your request. Please, do not send comments including information that may be considered as specially protected. Any additional information needed will be required to you from our customer service department.
You can withdraw your permission for the sending of information and publicity at any moment. At the bottom of our e-mails you will find the indications to unsubscribe, or send your request to info@nexglobal.es.
You can fulfill your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition sending an e-mail to: info@nexglobal.es, or a letter to the following address: C/ Fotógrafo José Norberto Díaz, 2, Ed. Prisma: Oficina 4.2 y 4.1, CP: 38204, San Cristóbal de La Laguna – Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain).
This file has been properly registered in the Spanish Agency for the Protection Data.


NEXGLOBAL include links to third party websites, which objective is to facilitate users greater information about its services, its corporate identity and the topics discussed on its forum. There are also external links that communicate the user with the profiles NEXGLOBAL has on different social networks:

On Twitter we are your Information Point: twitter.com/nexglobal
On Facebook we are your Reference Page: facebook.com/nexglobal.es
On LinkedIn we are your Strategic Ally: linkedin.com/company/nexglobal

NEXGLOBAL will be only responsible for the information, data and images stored on www.nexglobal.es. Any content on an external site is out of NEXGLOBAL responsibility, even though it includes a link which communicates with it.


NEXGLOBAL is a trademark, its use is not permitted under any circumstances, although express authority by its owners.
All the elements conforming the website; services, information, structure, selection, order and presentation of its contents, as well as the computer programs used in relation to them, are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of NEXGLOBAL or third parties.
You can only make use of NEXGLOBAL webpage and all its content for private, non-commercial, purposes.


By accessing and using this website, the user implicitly accept the following conditions:

  • Intellectual Property: The user cannot use the information herein, nor the design or the graphic content without the owner’s permission. Otherwise, he/she would be violating the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.
    • Total or partial reproduction of the web contents is forbidden.
    •  The use of the commercial name, brand, image or logo of NEXGLOBAL is forbidden.
    •  In case you would want to mention our content you must contact us previously.
  • The user is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the information provided to Nexglobal.
  • The user shall modify such information as necessary or appropriate to maintain the accuracy of the information, according to the Spanish Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data.
  • By browsing through this site, you consider accepting the use of cookies.


NEXGLOBAL has stablished technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the personal data that are provided by the user, thereby avoiding
its alteration, lost, unauthorized treatment or access taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks that they are exposed to, either from human action or by physical or natural means.
All in accordance with provisions of the article 9 of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and the Royal Decree 1720/07, of 21st December.
NEXGLOBAL is not responsible of the information contained on the external sites that appear in its website, it doesn’t guarantee either the reliability or safety of the social networks in which it has a Company Profile.


The rules of the Spanish Legal System will be applicable.
Professional buyer or company: in case of dispute both are subjected to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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