Detalles del Cliente

  • Día

     19 mayo, 2015

  • Áreas


Instituto Oftalmológico del Dr. Amigó is, with any doubt, a reference centre in its field, not only in Tenerife but in the Canary Islands. With the latest technological advances and the best qualified professionals headed by Dr. Amigó, the Institute is characterized not only for being a pioneer in the use of laser surgery for treating myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism or cataracts, but it is also one of the few private centres that maintain an active research role. For the IOA we manage the brand’s presence in the digital environment, from its website and blog to its digital channels, including positioning, digital advertising strategies, testimonial video-creation and photographies. We also support content creation for traditional media, specially press. Our objective with this brand is creating a certain status that will help to promote a good reputation among the objective audience of its influence area. Quality and confidence associated with health, in this case in the ophthalmologic field, in contraposition to strategies based on the price. Through the testimonies we look for a positive recommendation that will help the patient to make the decision of which is the best place to get operated.

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