#SomosNex Philosophy

Mission and vision

NexGlobal is born with the conviction of joining a new scenario in which communication encourages the creation of relations, sensations and experiences that join brands together with their clients or users.

In each communication and marketing project it confronts, NexGlobal pursues the creation and diffusion of those values and attributes that a brand, organism or institution wants to be identified with.

We help our clients to define their communication’s goals and we walk beside them to reach the greatest efficiency, making a cost-effective digital visibility.

In NexGlobal we blend the knowledge of communication and marketing with the vocation for making something alive out of a brand; that is, a brand with personality and able to interact with people.

Renovation and constantly learning new techniques, tools and practices guide our daily tasks.

Responsibility, determination, energy, optimism and passion for what we do define our brand.

What do we do?

We elaborate plans of communication and marketing, mixing scenarios -online and offline- channels and tools, that will strategically help to create the previously designed image.

Among our services, we design campaigns combining both traditional media and the new information technologies. We are experts in web and graphic designing; management of social networks and digital media; and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

All this with the conviction that the audiovisual is playing an important role in the creation of a brand image, using using video recording and editing as well as capturing and editing photographs.

To achieve it, the two pillars of our work are: constantly supporting and monitoring the brand (to get totally involved with it), and putting creativity at the service of your image.

You already know our working philosophy and also our services. Now, we ask you; Do you want to be #nex?

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