In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/99, of Protection of Personal Data, NEXGLOBAL informs that the personal data provided through the forms on this website, through emails or as result of any transaction or operation carried out will be processed and collected in a data file property of NEXGLOBAL COMUNICACION Y MARKETING, S.L.
When sending us your information, you are authorizing expressly the treatment of your personal data with the aim of attending your consults, as well as of sending information about our services, publications on the blog and relevant news form our newsletter.
To attend your consult you must fulfill all the required fields of the formularies, otherwise it won’t be possible to respond to your request. Please, do not send comments including information that may be considered as specially protected. Any additional information needed will be required to you from our customer service department.
You can withdraw your permission for the sending of information and publicity at any moment. At the bottom of our e-mails you will find the indications to unsubscribe, or send your request to You can fulfill the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition sending an e-mail to:, or a letter to the following address: C/ Fotógrafo José Norberto Díaz, 2, Ed. Prisma: Oficina 4.2 y 4.1, CP: 38204, San Cristóbal de La Laguna – Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain).
This file has been properly registered in the Spanish Agency for the Protection Data.

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